Monica’s Son received a Jaw-Dropping $18,000 Business Investment on His 18th Birthday

Monica Denise, a well-known R&B singer and actress, recently bestowed her son with a significant present to commemorate his birthday and signify his transition into adulthood.

In an Instagram post, Monica Denise expressed her joy and sent birthday wishes to her son as he reached the milestone of turning 18. “For your birthday I’ll give you $1,800 to have fun, right? And I’m gonna give you $18,000 to invest in yourself and your business…and we’re gonna sit down and map out your business plan how you want.”

She commented, “I wanted to be better for you, grow for you, change for you, and accomplish things unimaginable for you”. Monica’s choice to expose her children to entrepreneurship at a young age aligns with the advice given by economists on fostering financial literacy in children.

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Based on findings from a 2020 report, Cambridge University behavioral psychologists suggested that parents initiate the introduction of money concepts to their children as young as three years old. “If every child could understand from an early age what their options are with money, then 15 years from now they might make different choices,” as per an expert’s claim. “Developmentally, kids can understand from a very early age that you can do four basic things with money. You can spend it, save it, invest it or give it away.”

The acclaimed singer adds her name to the extensive roster of renowned parents who have made substantial investments in their children’s ventures. This includes Snoop Dogg and his son Cordell’s metaverse platform, Will & Jada with Jaden’s water company, and Ludacris with his daughters’ flourishing animated brand empire.

Best of luck son! Mom’s gift for a good venture!

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